Objectives of RAMSAZ
1. To network all Records, Archives and Library and Information Science students and staff from colleges, polytechnic and universities in Zimbabwe so as to provide a channel through which members can exchange ideas, opinions and views in the field of Records and Archives Management profession.
2. To create a way through which the Records and Archives students can liaise with other information scientists and institutions locally and abroad.
3. To educate and instill awareness to the general public on the significance of Records and Archives on the contexts of national development and advocate for the recognition of the records and archives management as a profession, equal to other Information Science Management disciplines in Zimbabwe.
4. To promote cooperation with related professional bodies and organizations for academic and advancement of members.
5. To bring together all the Records and Archives Management students and form a link between Polytechnic,Colleges and University students of Records and Archives Management.
6. To advocate for general student rights .
7. Assist members to get study attachments
Posted by Etiwel Mutero at 4