Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Constitution of the Records and Archives Management Society of Zimbabwe [RAMSOZ]

We, the members of Records and Archives Management Students Association of Zimbabwe do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose be realized to its fullest extent. Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be Records and Archives Management Society of Zimbabwe henceforth referred to as RAMSOZ
 Article II - Purpose
RAMSAZ is established for the expressed purpose of:-
#Networking all Records Management and Library and Information Science students and staff, workers and professional from colleges, polytechnic, universities and organizations in Zimbabwe so as to provide a channel through which members can exchange ideas, opinions and views in the field of Records and Archives Management profession.
# To create a way through which the Records and Archives students and professionals can liaise with other information scientists and institutions locally and abroad.
# To educate and instill awareness to the general public on the significance of proper care of records and information.
 # To promote cooperation with related professional bodies and organizations for academic and advancement of members.
Article III – Membership
 -Membership shall be open to anyone interested in Records and Archives Management, Library and information science and any other related professions
-Members will be required to pay in full any financial obligations as determined by RAMSOZ from time to time as annual subscription fees.
 -Members will be expected to actively participate in all activities sponsored by RAMSOZ. –
-RAMSAZ openly admits students and records, archives and information science professionals to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, and political affiliation, physical or mental disability.
Article IV – Executive Committee
 RAMSAZ will be governed by the following structures: [1] The National Executive Committee which shall supervise all RAMSOZ operations at national level. [2] Provincial Executive Committee which shall supervise RAMSOZ operations in each province. The National Executive Committee shall include the following officials The Founding President shall chair all RAMSOZ executive meetings and the President shall maintain the power to appoint all committee chairpersons. A Chairperson shall be elected and his/her main duties will be to preside and chair meetings in the absence of the President. The Secretary General will be responsible to keep all RAMSOZ records, admission of new members, rule observances at stated meetings, protocol, etc. The Treasurer shall be responsible to keep all books of accounts, receive and bank all membership dues or any other RAMSOZ income. The Editor will be responsible for the publication of the association’s bulletin. Other officers may be elected as determined by the Executive Committee or Congress.
 Article V – Election
- Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III will be granted voting privileges.
-All officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of eligible voting members of RAMSOZ -     
All elections will be held after every two years at a Congress to be held during the month of August.
 -The President will take nominations from the floor, or those interested to be elected will forward their names to the Secretary General.
- All those nominated by people from the floor and those who would have forwarded their names to the Secretary General for election must be seconded by at least one person.
-All voting shall be done by either secret ballot or raising up of hands to be counted and tabulated by the Secretary-General and one voting member of RAMSOZ appointed by the outgoing Chairperson.
Article V. Removal
 Any officer of RAMSAZ Executive Committee member in violation of the Organization's purpose or constitution may be removed from office by the following process:
 a. Written notification to the officer by the Secretary General or any other person appointed by the President, asking the officer to be present at the disciplinary meeting and prepared to speak. b. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee Members is necessary to remove the officer.
Article VI- Meetings
All meetings will occur as announced by RAMSOZ Executive Committee and will follow the procedure set forth below: * Attendance * Report by the President * Committee reports * Vote on all committee motions and decisions * Any other business put forward by the members of the club * Dismissal by the President Article
ARTICLE VII – Finances
 RAMSAZ will finance the activities it engages in by the following means:
 -Membership subscriptions
-Fund raising Activities
Article VIII –Winding Up
-The decision to wind up or dissolve RAMSOZ shall be made only by a resolution to that effect passed by a two-thirds majority of those personally present and entitle to vote at a CONGRESS convened specifically for the purposes of which not less than thirty days notice shall have been given , setting out the terms of the proposed resolution and reasons therefore. In the event of the being wound up for any reason, RAMSOZ shall, if necessary, sell sufficient movable or immovable property to pay any unpaid liabilities , and any movable or immovable property remaining shall be donated to like minded organization in Zimbabwe
 Article IX-Amendments The constitution is binding to all members of RAMSAZ. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing by any voting member of RAMSAZ at any meeting at which 2/3 of the voting members is present at any meeting. These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the executive meeting. Proposed amendments will become effective following approval of two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of active members at the Congress of RAMSOZ in August.

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